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Monday, June 15, 2009

'Jai Ho!' competes to become millionth English word

Stratford-upon-Avon (UK), the hometown of ace English playwright William Shakespeare, the millionth new word will enter the English language. 'Finalists' were announced on Saturday by The Global Language Monitor, 'the newspaper of global English' in Austin, Texas that has tracked the English language from 2003.
Nudging 'alcopops' (sugary drinks), 'green-washing' (rebranding a product as eco-friendly) and 'octomom' (the mother of octuplets), are two Hinglish heavyweights: 'Jai Ho!' (translated as 'it is accomplished') and 'cuddies' (from 'chaddi', underwear). Slumdog Millionaire Oscar-winner Resul Pookutty told HT, "It's great that 'Jai Ho' is part of international vocabulary.
The other word may be less glorious, but it's part of life and has its rights, too."Best-selling Hinglish-using writer Chetan Bhagat said, "My friends are dancing in New York and London to 'Jai Ho! I think it's cute if it becomes an English word.
" Nonagenerian writer Khushwant Singh, who had to sing 'God Save the King' before 'Jana Gana Mana' happened, chuckled, "Why not 'Jai Hind'? That's a good word for the English language.".

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