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Thursday, May 21, 2009

How Did a 15 Years Old Girl Generate Thousand of Dollars From A Website?

What do you think about that story? For some of you, that paragraphs I quote from may be not so interesting. But when I finish my story, I can sure that the only think you want to do is to visit the site!
Why? Because that site was built by a 15 years old girl, and successfully generated thousand of dollars. How awesome!
This inspiring story began in August 2002, when Nori and her father, Ken Evoy, made a trip to the beautiful Carribean island of Anguilla. It was actually their second trip there.Nori liked the place very much, and all of her adventures there brought her an idea of building a web site.
I took the whole story she shared, so you won’t miss anything.
Who Would Have Thought That A Vacation Could Pay My Way Through University?
by Nori Evoy
nori evoy - anguilla-beaches.comIn August, 2002, we made our second trip to the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Many people had never heard of it. My Dad hadn’t.
And then he read a book.
It is an inspiring story about two people selling everything they owned, “slowing down” and opening up their dream… a restaurant in Anguilla.
Their love of the island, through successes and mishaps, their description of the island and its people, caught my dad’s fancy. This book is really about a journey down a “road less traveled.”
It’s really about people choosing to lead their own lives.
I feel so sad for people who are stuck working for people they don’t like, for those who are forced to go to work, fight traffic, be in an office and then come home at the end of the day.
My dad works hard building and Site Build It!. Probably too hard. But he loves what he does — I can see his dream, how Site Build It! can free people from a hum-drum life. You don’t have to do what the Blanchard’s did and risk every penny and open your own restaurant.
You can do what I did. But never meant to. :-) (After all, who could have imagined that A Trip to the Beach and Site Build It! would turn me into a successful Web site owner, too?)
Anyway, all that to say… when my Dad asked me to write my “case study,” how could I say “no”? (How could I say “no” anyway — but that’s a different story!).
Before I start my story, I should add one thing… I get some e-mail saying how lucky I am to have my Dad tutor me on “Net marketing.” Well, he doesn’t.
He does help me a lot with my writing — he loves to write, and he pushes me to “say it better, Nori — make it come alive.” And he did help me get started with the software. But I do all the rest myself.

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