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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Priyanka's white Mercedes with Shahid's car following behind.

It seems the lovebirds are not hiding their blossoming relationship anymore. Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor were spotted leaving Kareem Morani's birthay bash together in Priyanka's white Mercedes with Shahid's car following behind.
Says a guest at the party, "Priyanka walked in with a friend a bit after midnight while Shahid came in after 1 am. But during the entire time Priyanka was there, Shahid kept calling and talking to her throughout till he reached."
Once the lover boy reached, the couple withdrew to a secluded corner where they remained, talking in hushed tones, almost till the time they had to leave around 5 am.
While Priyanka is quite happy to show the world that she's in love with Shahid, apparently, he's not in a hurry to do it. He was hiding his face when the photogs were trying to take pictures."
The duo have also been spotted taking late-night walks together

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